jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

Winning isn't everything

Winning the lottery is not the most important thing. There are other things that need more attention.

Every year, at Christmas, everybody expects winning the lottery. In my case, I love switching on the television and hope to see my number appear on the screen. But, I wonder: What will I do with the money? I think I will buy a house and a farm in Switzerland and maybe, I will do a fantastic travel around the world. But these things wouldn’t change my live. Money can help people, but it can’t change anything. Finally, when I would do all the things that I wanted to do, I wouldn’t have money and I would be in the first situation, hoping to win the lottery.

In my opinion, the most important things are my family and my friends. And you can’t pay for having a family and friends; they are a part of your life and they can change it.

This was a high school's eassy. But, the truth is that i want to win the lottery's Christmas this year :)

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